Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our "Bug" is 3!

Tatum (or Bug as we like to call her) is three today!

Here is a look at what she has looked like on this day for the past three years.





Happy Birthday sweet girl! You are an amazing spirit...God has blessed us greatly.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A reward

Asher's transition to preschool this year has been tough. He is a thinker (an understatement) and separation has never been easy for him, which is exactly why he is in preschool this year! So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since the first of September, I have left my sobbing son exactly where he needed to be.

Sticker/reward charts have always worked really well for him so we decided to try it in this situation as well. Anytime we left him at preschool with no tears, he earned a sticker. He had to earn 12 stickers before he got a reward which took about 5 weeks. I knew exactly what he would love for his reward so on Monday after he put his last, well earned, sticker on the chart, we got to have this moment!

I am so proud of his accomplishment. He is now excited to go to preschool and we all got to memorize and embrace some wonderful scripture about fear!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Although we are not big fans of Halloween, the kids enjoyed dressing up and going to the big event at Calvary Community Church.

Asher put on the armor of God for the occasion! He does not really like to dress up and so the "costume" only lasted a few minutes!

Our Princess Kitty

They got to sit in a firetruck at the church.
Defending the flamingo....(his cousin Reagan)