Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm thankful.

I read this quote in a book I'm reading and it is resonating with me today so I thought I'd share it with you!

Suppose for a moment that God began taking from us the many things for which we have failed to give thanks. Which of our limbs and faculties would be left? Would I still have my hands and mind? And what about loved ones? If God were to take from me all those persons and things for which I have not given thanks, who or what would be left of me?
I am thankful today.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We are home! We have been home since about 1:30 this afternoon and it does feel good to be here and to have our family back together again.
Asher was amazing while we were with Tatum..we are so proud of him. Being away from us is not always easy for him but he did GREAT!
Tatum is amazing. We found out late in the day on the day of surgery that her epidural was leaking the medicine out of the insertion site. So, there is a good chance she was getting very little, if any, pain medication all day. You never would have known....must have a high pain tolerance like her mommy!
The final hurdle to coming home was getting her to walk. She had the IV in her foot so there was NO way she was going to walk until that was out...and the band-aid was off. That happened this morning and there has been no stopping her since.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. We have been truly blessed this week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, we are resting in Tatum's room at Mary Bridge after a very successful surgery this morning. Everything went just as expected and we are now settling into our two day hospital stay. Tatum is doing as well as can be expected...sleeping occasionally....watching Diego....enjoying some peace and quiet. She has an epidural, catheter and IV in place so there isn't much moving around going on. All of those things will hopefully come out tomorrow.
We are now anticipating a visit from Papa, Grandma and Asher and later, NeNe!

Thanks so much for your prayers for our sweet girl. We are so blessed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Surgery Update

Family and Friends,

Tatum's surgery is scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow (tuesday). It should take around 1 1/2 hours.

I will update as soon as I can to let you know how everything went!

Thanks so much for your prayer support.

We love you!