Thursday, March 27, 2008

Photography by Asher

Spring snow!

We had a wonderful (to me) surprise snow fall yesterday. I know not everybody shares my enthusiasm about the snow but my kids had a blast playing in it!

Easter Pics

Asher REALLY wanted to wear a hat to church too.....

Easter Egg hunt at Papa & Grandma's

Asher was not happy that one of his "A" eggs was pink:)

FYI...Asher really isn't as grumpy as he looks in these pictures!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Asher!

4 years...It's hard to believe I've been a mom for 4 years. What a roller coaster ride it has been.

I could never have adequately prepared myself for motherhood. It's truly amazing what a child can do to you:) I am, without question, a better person because of Asher. I am, without question, more reliant on my Lord because of Asher. I am, without question, more in touch with the world because of Asher.

Asher has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and has since he could talk (which was early). He wants to know everything about everything and will not let something rest until he understands....much like his daddy! It has been a blast discovering things with him and learning more than I ever could have imagined about airplanes, sharks and most significantly, dinosaurs. He loves to be in the car because he can sit and take it all in. He sees things out the window that I never would.....opening my eyes to the world.

He has an amazing memory. He still remembers his first trip to the pumpkin patch when he was two. He remembered where we parked at the fair one year later (when he was two). My jaw drops open on a regular basis when he pops off with memories.

Asher has a very sensitive spirit....which we will have to guard carefully.

Keven and I have been blessed immensely by Asher and we look forward to the many adventures we have ahead of us with our son.

Happy Birthday buddy. We love you so much!

Can you guess what the theme of his birthday (life) is?????

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We hope you have a fun-filled day of green!

An Irish Blessing
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you In the palm of his hand."

Friday, March 7, 2008

a little bruised...but healthy!

Keven and I are leaving today for a long awaited weekend in Seattle...just the two of us! We are going to the symphony tonight and then just doing whatever else we want for the rest of the weekend!!!

I was determined to leave my kids healthy so we went nowhere this week...

They are healthy thank goodness but because they were a little stir-crazy, Asher has a nice (almost) black eye and Tatum split her lip open yesterday:)

But they are healthy!!!!