I have always been a cat girl...we usually had two or three in our house growing up. Keven is not a cat guy...allergic and all. So, throughout the first year of our marriage the subject of cats came up a few times and we agreed to start looking for the perfect cat for our family. We happened upon a breed of cat called Burmese. We thought (at the time) that this breed sounded wonderful. So, for our first anniversary, Keven bought me Oliver.
This description is taken from the above link...
Burmese are extremely people-oriented; their personalities are almost dog-like in a tendency to shadow their owners and in a desire to give and receive affection. If encouraged, many Burmese converse with their humans, using soft, sweet voices (they are neither loud nor raucous).
How true that is, except Oliver seems to fall into the loud and raucous category. His need for attention and vocal abilities used to be really charming and laughable. Not so much anymore.
Since the kids came along, Oliver has decided that he is miserable in our home and tries anything he can to escape when a door is open. Or he sees how loud and how long he has to meow in order to get thrown out.
We have contemplated many times finding a better home for him but I REALLY want my kids to grow up with an animal and I REALLY want Oliver to be buddies with them.
Lately, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tatum has seemed to warm Oliver up quite a bit and just the other day I found Oliver and Asher "snuggling" on the floor in his bedroom.
So, we remain patient with our "dog-like" cat and look forward to the day when he is seeking the kids attention and not running away from them.