Monday, October 8, 2007


Thanks to Lisa, I was reminded of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. I have admired what the Dove company has been doing for awhile now. I believe so strongly in the message that they are trying to send to our girls. We have the advantageous yet unfortunate opportunity to live in a media driven world, images and messages everywhere. We are bombarded subtly and not so subtly on a daily basis with what society at large sees as "perfection". Logically, most of us know that these ideas are erroneous but those moments when our humanity takes over, it can be rough. Raising a girl today will be difficult. Keven and I are committed to raising Tatum to believe in who she is...a child of God. We want her to believe in who God made her to be and stand tall knowing that everything she is is exactly how her heavenly father created her.
But, let me say, I believe raising a boy in this world is just as hard for all the same reasons. We will have to shield Asher from the same messages. Our boys are growing up seeing these images as "ideal" also. We have to teach Asher respect and responsibility as a man.....responsibility to see women as God sees them. Also teaching him to believe in himself and in who God made him to be....enough to stand up for all of these things.

Oh man....God help us (literally!)

Check out the website above to see how you can support the Dove Self-Esteem Fund. I'm going to try to upload their newest short film onto my blog so look for it!

1 comment:

LDraper said...

Amen, Amen and AMEN!