Thursday, April 3, 2008


Keven stepped on a nail yesterday...through his boot....into his foot. Tetanus shot and all.

This morning he was showing Asher the hole in this foot from the nail and Asher said,

"Hey, that's just like God." "He had a nail in his foot too, when he was on the cross".

To which Keven said, "That's right...why was God on the cross?"

Asher's answer: "Because He loves us"

So, today....a reminder from our 4 year old son....

Jesus loves you and he hung on a cross with nails through his feet and hands and died for you. Oh, he wants you to know...


LDraper said...

Thank you, Asher. I needed that reminder today!

I love you,
Nee Nee

Brett Elizabeth Spore @theworldisee said...

Out of the mouths of babes.

WEEE said...

That is such a great reminder from a 4 year old. Thank you Asher! You are doing a great job raising him to know our Lord!

Anonymous said...

I echo what the Neely's said. To know that a 4 year-old understands (and can remind us) the sacrificies that Jesus made for us is so remarkable. You must be so proud!


Anonymous said...

By the way, I hope Keven is ok! That sounds really really painful!!
