Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st day of school!

Asher started preschool on Monday! He was really excited to go with a little apprehension along the way!

It's hard to eat breakfast when you are ready to go!

Tatum REALLY (and I mean REALLY) wanted to go to school too...many tears were shed.

a little pre-school bike ride

pep-talk from daddy

Asher is really happy to have cousin Reagan at school with him

outside of school

When he got in the car after we picked him up, Asher said, "Mom, I LOVE preschool"! His teacher said it was one of her best first day's ever....all the kids were kind and attentive! That has been my prayer for Asher and knowing some of the families that are attending this preschool, I'm sure it's been their prayer as well! What a blessing.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that he loved it! I feel for Tatum, Nick wasn't happy about not going either. Hope to see you guys soon! Kate

Whitney said...

aww I am so proud of Ash. How exciting.

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

So cool that you guys have them at the same school. Of course, I wouldn't expect anything else!