Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

So, anyone who knows my sister and I at all, knows of our little love-affair with the show
"So You Think You Can Dance".
Could possibly be more than a love affair.....

Needless to say, we look forward to the start of the show every year and this was our third year going to see the dancers on tour. The first year we went by ourselves and had a great time. Last year we had the wonderful company of our husbands and while we had a great time, our seats were terrible. NEVER get floor seats to a show like this....FYI.
This year we made it a girls night and brought our mom and Grandma along. The show was great, probably the best one so far, and we had a wonderful evening with the girls!

Until next year....


LDraper said...


Is it sad that I came home and watched the finale that I still have saved on my Tivo?

Yep. Obsessed.

Keven & Alicia said...

I didn't know you did might be a little more obsessed than I!

LDraper said...

Let me clarify. Not THAT night. But since then I have watched it.

Keven said...

Really? Oh, honey...

Whitney said...

are you kidding??? i still have all of the episodes saved on my tivo for a rainy day...or not rainy day....pretty much any day i feel like, haha.

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

You know, I have never watched that show. But reading you two gushing over it is making me giggle a little over here.

So glad you guys got OUT! And had FUN! Wonderful.